We bring you a photo gallery of eight wedding bouquets made of calla lilies, bouquets that have been growing in popularity recently. This is because it is an exotic and novel flower that is perfect in appearance.
Different breeding of calla lilies has resulted in unusual colours and today it is possible to match the bouquet to more or less any colour. So there is certainly a choice for each of you.
You can have a bouquet made of calla lilies (also known as cornelian) combined with roses or tulips, but in our opinion a bouquet tied with only single calla lilies looks much better.
We must warn you, however, that calla lilies are generally one of the more expensive flowers and another flower arrangement based on this flower could get very expensive.
Bouquets tied only from individual calla lilies work best.
Try to consult a florist who has extensive experience in tying wedding bouquets.
He or she should be able to recommend which flowers can be combined together.